The secret to fruit bearing and representing the true character of Christ.
Today I would like to share some thoughts with you on fruit bearing
John 15: 5 says
5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Have you ever wondered why some people appear to be so much more fruitful than others?
Do you desire to be more fruitful?
There are four degrees of fruitfulness to consider.
There are those who will bear No Fruit.
Some will bear Fruit
While others will bear More Fruit
and yet others will bear Much Fruit
God tells us in verse 5 that if we abide in him we will bring forth much fruit.
It only makes sense that the more time we spend abiding in the father and in prayer that we will bear more and more fruit.
Galatians 5:22
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22
Speaks of the character that is produced by the Holy Spirit not by our own self-effort.
For these attributes to exist we must crucify the desires of the flesh not once but daily. This is necessary for the fruit bearing process to take place. As we become more and more intimate with Him we begin to become more productive in our fruit bearing and thus our character begins to resemble that of His.
In Part 1 of Abiding we discussed the resemblance that my dad had to his father, which was the physical resemblance. When our character begins to take on the resemblance of Christ’s character we have a spiritual resemblance.
Our fruit bearing reflects what God has done and is continuing to do in our lives; it is the evidence that true transformation is taking place. To be clear,please know that as long as we are on this earth and we are continuing to abide in God we will continue to grow in the areas we need to grow and bear fruit in.
Fruit bearing is a process that happens over time. As we spend time with the Father our hearts begin to become more and more softened and more pliable so that they can be more easily molded to look like His heart.
I encouraged you to pray this very moment and ask God to give you a sincere hearts desire to bear more fruit and to release those old selfish freshly desires and replace them with abiding in him and growing to a place of abundant fruit bearing, not just bearing fruit but bearing much fruit.
I would caution you to be very discerning. If your fruit is looking like a pear but your tree is an apple tree there is something wrong. I am an old farm girl and I have never seen a pear drop to the ground from an apple tree.
Your fruit should reflect it’s place of origin.
An apple comes from an apple tree and a pear comes from a pear tree.
There are those that will pretend to be from one family of fruit when the evidence shows otherwise. Believe the Evidence.
Be Blessed and Be Fruitful.
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