Are You In Alignment?

Have you ever had a season when it seemed that no matter how hard you tried, things were just not working out as you had hoped?  Well I certainly have had a season or two in my lifetime, when I have experienced this.  As I look back over those years I have come to realize that there have been times when what I wanted was simply not in God’s will for my life at that time.   There have been other times when I simply was not in alignment with God.
You may be asking, how exactly does one get out of alignment with God?   You see even though we are Christians, there are times when we get off track. We may know in our hearts what God’s will is for us and we selfishly don’t want to surrender to it.  He may be leading us in a direction that He desires for us to go and we are pushing back with resistance.  Something as simple as a recurring sin may also block our blessing from coming through.
I encourage you today to eliminate the frustrating struggle that you may be experiencing, by simply doing a self evaluation.
Ask yourself the following 10 questions:

1. What am I resisting or running from?
2. What is the one thing that I know that I need to be doing, but I keep putting it off?
3. What are my secret sins?
4.  What is it that I keep doing over and over that I know is sinful?
5.  Do I have a consistent prayer life?
6.  Am I reading my Bible daily?
7.  Who am I choosing to be influenced by?
8.  Do I have a Christian accountability partner?
9. Do I truly trust God with my life?
10. Am I willing to do whatever God asks of me?
Prayerfully these questions will help you to see if you are in or out of alignment with God.   Hopefully you will be able to get back on track if you are not happy with what you conclude.  The wonderful thing is that we serve a God that forgives and restores.  Repent and ask for forgiveness where you have fallen short.
I hope that you will make a commitment to walk in alignment with God. He is so worthy of our faithful obedience.

Deuteronomy 5:32-33
32 So be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left. 33 Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.
Deuteronomy 28:1-14
28 If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God:
You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.
The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.
Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed.
You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.
The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.
The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.
The Lord will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the Lord your God and walk in obedience to him. 10 Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they will fear you.
11 The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity—in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your ground—in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you.
12 The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. 13 The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. 14 Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.
John 14:23
23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.
Psalm 33:18
18 But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him,
    on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,
Proverbs 28:14
14 Blessed is the one who always trembles before God,
but whoever hardens their heart falls into trouble.
John 15:10
10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
2 Chronicles 16:9
For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him……..


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