My Words For The Year
As we are now deep into the month of January, I am sure that many of you have already made your New Year’s resolutions by now. Although I have made a few resolutions, I plan to do something that has really become popular in the last few years, and that is selecting a word for the year.
However, instead of one word, I have selected two words for this year. I have selected Obedience for my spiritual word, and the word Growth for my business. As I am writing this, I just had the thought that maybe my words should be, Grow In Obedience.
If I can be totally transparent with you, I don’t always obey God’s voice instantly, which to me is the same as disobedience. Sometimes I wrestle with God. And although I never win, it seems that my sinful nature always wants to have its own selfish way before I am willing to surrender to God’s will.
I am writing about this today, because there may be others of you, who struggle with immediate obedience. It’s not that I am willfully disobedient, it’s that I don’t say yes Lord immediately, and I don’t always respond to His promptings immediately. My goal this year, is to say yes Lord more, and not to question Him, but to simply obey. I know in my heart of hearts, that He always knows what is best for me, and I will trust that.
My goal this year is to joyfully serve God in whatever capacity that he asks of me.
I am starting to notice that the more time that I spend in God’s word and in prayer and journaling, the easier obedience seems to be for me. So,” Yes, Lord” is my new goal for the New Year. If this is something that you struggle with also, I encourage you to join me in this goal.
You may want to write yourself a note and keep it in your Bible regarding your new commitment to obedience. As a reminder, I have written the word Obedience with a bold black marker on a bright orange notecard to keep in my Bible. It will be a constant reminder throughout the year that my goal is not to question God, but to simply trust and obey Him. Every time I open my Bible it will be right there to help me stay focused on the goal of obedience.
Prayerfully at the end of 2023, we will be much better in the area of obedience than ever before, and in the process, we will grow closer to God. If we do this, I am convinced that we will see some incredible things unfold in our lives just because we were willing to say, Yes Lord! Have a very Happy and very Obedient New Year!
60 I will hurry, without delay, to obey your commands.
9 As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed him.
23 This is what I told them: ‘Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Do everything as I say, and all will be well!’
46 “So why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’ when you don’t do what I say?